Elaco Pty Ltd  



























ELACO® - The Company's most valuable asset is its Intellectual Property.

composite materials ELACO Pty Ltd is a new, Canberra based and Australian owned company that has developed a novel and unique Technology - ELACO® for creating elastic, high impact resistant, cost effective laminates and composite materials.

ELACO Pty Ltd is the owner of the intellectual property and licensor of the ELACO® and know how.

ELACO Pty Ltd, Suite 3
Kambah Professional Centre, 21 Jenke Circuit
Kambah ACT 2902

ABN 84 110 104 571


The vision of ELACO Pty Ltd is to be an exemplary, innovative, ethical and successful Australian business - a leader in the field of high impact resistant elastic composite material design solutions.

Intellectual Property and Confidentiality

The Company's most valuable asset is its Intellectual Property.

This includes its trademark ELACO®, patent(s) and, as appropriate, its trade and business secrets.

Each officer and any employee of the Company is responsible for protecting the Company's intellectual property rights by complying with the Company's policies and procedures for the protection of these rights.

All intellectual property that a Director, any employee, contractor or consultant generates in relation to the Company's business is the property of the Company.

Employees, contractors and consultants are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement when they join the Company.

design solutions Confidentiality in dealing with Business Partners

All stakeholders and business partners undertaking business with the Company are required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement which binds them during their business with the Company.

These persons may not, at any time, directly or indirectly, disclose any confidential information they obtained during the course of their business dealing with the Company.

Confidential information will be specified in each Confidentiality Agreement signed by the stakeholder or business partner.

Each stakeholder must safeguard confidential information of the Company by not transferring, publishing, using or disclosing it other than when necessary in the ordinary course of business or as directed or authorised by the Company.

Unless specified otherwise by contract, all confidential or proprietary information that has been entrusted to the Company by a third party must be treated as though it is the Company's confidential information.

Company's Commitment to Highest Business and Ethical Standards

The Company is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards in the conduct of its business activities. It expects and requires its Directors and other related parties to have ongoing personal and professional commitment to meeting these standards.

These standards go beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations. They also embrace the core values which are essential to the Company's continued success as a company and key industry player.

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